Welcome back, here are three questions I would like to cover today... 1. When did fast-fashion become a thing? 2. How big is the fast-fashion market? 3. Is fast-fashion still a growing industry? 4. How is it possible to produce new items every week? First question, when did fast-fashion start and become a thing? In order to understand that, we have to go back to the 1800s to understand how clothes were designed and produced back then. There was no such thing as over-producing and over-consuming. Most of the clothing was made by hand at home by the women of the house. The materials were all "natural" fabrics, for example, wool and linen were most common, with cotton and silk were scarcer and more expensive. A wide variety of colors were available using natural dyes, and hundreds of weaves and patterns were possible by hand. Making one piece of clothing took a long time, money and energy. So, people mended it and were taken care of until it was no longer wearable. Now fast-fo...
Spread a better understanding of fast-fashion industry.